Gartrell Group

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It’s a very exciting week for us here at the Gartrell Group. We have taken on our first set of interns!

We have a history of doing informational interviews with folks who are just finishing up school and looking at the horizon. Over the years, we have made many introductions to people up and coming in the Portland tech scene. Additionally, we have hired many of these folks in small and focused sub-contracting engagements as a means to identify and help cultivate tech talent and to help people along their careers. We view it is a both a benefit of being part of the local tech scene and a contribution to that community.

Right now, we’ve got three interns; two recent graduates of Epicodus, a local coding academy (our most recent hire, Drew, is a graduate). They will be working on a software product we are bringing to market. We also have brought in a high school student who will be learning some of the basics of video editing in order to assist us with FAQ videos for our clients and internal use.

We make an effort to set up programs so they are mutually beneficial and provide the opportunity for real world experience. Real coding. Real business experience.

Our interns are being offered the opportunity to apply learning from their classroom environment and add depth and focus not possible in survey courses or fast-moving curricula. The project that we have them working on is not a throwaway, example job. It is a real software product that we have been developing for some time now and are in the final process of bringing to market. Their work will be invaluable (in that we’re not paying them anything. That was an intern joke…).

We will likely have openings for interns next summer. If interested, send us a line.