Providing Seattle City Light with GIS Support

We recently kicked off a two-year project, during which time, we will be providing Seattle City Light - the electric utility in Seattle – with ongoing GIS support. We have teamed up with our friends at FLO Analytics in order to provide SCL with the best possible service.

The first phase of the project will involve a needs assessment where our team will meet with stakeholders in order to determine their needs and capabilities. The needs assessment will help guide a strategic plan that SCL will use to move forward with their planning for future needs and budgets.

I addition to the needs assessment and strategic plan, we will be proving SCL with “boots on the ground” GIS analysts to provide immediate practical assistance. The goal, at the end of the project, will be to provide the folks at SCL with the proper plan and know-how to move forward successfully on their own.

Please contact us if you’d like to find out more about how we can help your organization realize it’s full potential.


A Visit to Mercy Corps


Mobile Asset Management