Our Services & Expertise

From GIS strategy to application development to managed cloud services for the lifetime of your GIS platform, Gartrell can help you gain the rewards of a locationally informed and optimized business.

  • Portland

    GIS Strategy

    Gartrell's Strategy Services are designed to help clients develop a well-defined and supported strategic context for their GIS program.

  • Park from above

    Application Development & Integrations

    We build geospatial software tools distinguished for their efficiency, ease of use, and alignment with clients' strategic goals.

  • birds-eye view of waterways

    Managed Cloud Services for GIS

    The Gartrell Group has hosted and managed cloud-based geospatial resources longer than any other company in the U.S. Whether you seek a caretaker for a single web map or a high-availability platform supporting thousands of users in six time zones,  we’re ready to help!