
Strategic Planning for the City of Portland

Portland, Oregon’s Corporate GIS office (CGIS) is now operating under a new Strategic Plan.  Our team had the pleasure of engaging with a broad number of City staff and partners to lead a process of envisioning and articulating how CGIS will deliver geospatial services and boost the City’s location intelligence over the next several years.

The Gartrell Group performed a detailed assessment of CGIS’s staff capabilities, their data and technologies, and their portfolio of services. We also facilitated a series of workshops to invigorate stakeholder discussion, identify current needs and challenges, and to elicit the highest priorities of the users and beneficiaries of Portland’s geospatial tools and data.  We used findings from these efforts to craft and refine a plan for how the City may best apply resources for the greatest possible impact.

The adopted plan bridges topics of organizational strategy, data management, and technology management. It expresses a renovated vision and mission for CGIS and outlines how these may be realized through a clear and measurable set of objectives.  Importantly, the endeavor of the planning process itself – the workshops, the brainstorming, balloting activities, and collaborative needs discovery – helped to strengthen bonds between the City’s management and stakeholders and to re-open communication channels across department and agency boundaries.

Assisting organizations develop and enhance their location strategy is one of our core services and a keen area of interest among all of our team members. We think the work is important, we enjoy the process, and we take a lot of satisfaction in seeing the acceleration that happens once a customer has spent some time getting (re) acquainted with their location strategy and direction.

We are equipped with a very adaptive toolkit of strategy development know-how, means, and methods, and we can tailor an approach suited to your particular needs and questions. Please contact us if you’d be interested in learning more about how we can help your organization improve location strategy.

Right-Of-Way tracking with Performance Atlas

ECIlogoClient:  Electrical Contractors, Inc

ECI is a full service Engineering Design Firm specializing in the Power & Telecommunications Industry. They have offices in Montana, Arizona, Utah, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and more planned to open on the East Coast.

Goal: Provide efficient Right-Of-Way activity tracking capability leveraging the best of contemporary web technologies.

Services Provided: The Gartrell Group worked closely with company stakeholders to develop a detailed understanding of their Right-Of-Way workflows and desires for improvements and new capabilities. We then applied this information to adapt a Performance Atlas® deployment suited to their defined needs.

Pulling from the wide-variety of components available to our Performance Atlas®, we were able to provide ECI with a comprehensive solution that gives users access to different projects and the associated data, such as landowner contacts, tasks, financial information, public comments and the ability to toggle between a map-centric and journal view.

Key Technologies:  GIS Hosting, Performance Atlas (Software-as-a-Service)

Time to think about a post-BAO world

Why do Business Analysts always write on windows? My kid has a future.Clients, friends, GISers, trivia hounds…
Our Magic 8 Ball tells us that “It is certain” that Esri’s Business Analyst Online (BAO) will be shuttered in late March of 2014. For those of you relying on BAO for portions of your location analytics solution, it’s time to devise an update strategy if you haven’t already.

Much of the popular BAO functionality is now being moved into ArcGIS Online and will be delivered via “geo-enrichment services“.  Verrry nourishing for location intel needs.  This is probably the most obvious alternative, but not the only one.

If this makes you nervous, if you want to discuss the particularities of what this means to you, or if you just want to know what the program is so you can get with it…  drop us a line.

It’s gonna be OK.