Project wrap-up

Customer Segmentation - Sports Authority

Client:  The Sports Authority
Goal: Analyze store performance and strengthen marketing efforts through improved customer profile and segmentation design.

Services Provided:  The Sports Authority (TSA) sought to improve their analytical tools for comparing store performance and for analyzing point of sale data in connection with customer segments. The Gartrell Group teamed with the Business Intelligence firm Smartbase Solutions to provide TSA with a map-integrated marketing dashboard providing tools to:

  • Define and analyze  customer segments on a market by market and store by store basis.
  • Perform trade area analysis and define custom trade areas.
  • Compare and match stores in-market and cross-market based on affinities in their customer demographics.
  • Analyze capture rates and other key performance measures based on point of sale data.
  • Assess and compare the strength of targeted marketing efforts.
  • Perform competitive analysis with non-TSA stores and assess the possibility of cannibalization among proximate stores following merger activity.


Key Technologies:  GIS Hosting, ESRI ArcGIS Server, ArcSDE, Oracle and Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Tools.